Leonard-240.jpg Cedric Dante Leonard
Nominated by NAMI Alabama

Member, NAMI Montgomery (AL)
Listen to Cedric's Candidate Speech

Job Title or Position:

  • University of Montevallo Police Officer

NAMI Leadership Experience:

  • NAMI Alabama Executive Board-6yrs.

Additional NAMI Involvement:

  • CIT Trainer for over 7 years

Board Service:

  • I’m currently a member of several boards both national and statewide. Please refer to my resume.

Public Service:

  • Please see my resume.

Relationship to Mental Health:

  • Family member or direct support of someone with mental illness, Provider/mental health professional/employee in the field, Other professional

Candidate Strengths Assessment

The candidate indicated they have experience in the following areas that will help NAMI achieve its mission and strategic goals:

  • Adult Education, Advocacy, Criminal Justice, Law, Mental Health Service/Support

The candidate indicated they have connections and networks in the following areas:

  • Criminal Justice, Entertainment/Film/Television/The Arts, Legal/Law, Lobbying, Marketing/Public Relations, Military/Veterans, Politics/Elected Officials, Real Estate, Social Media, Traditional Media

Candidate Leadership Style

The candidate indicated the following descriptors represent their leadership style:

  • Action-oriented, Data Driven, Decisive, Innovator, Linear Thinker, Outcome-oriented, Peacemaker, Team Player

Candidate Narrative

The candidate indicated specific skill areas identified as high priority for the 2024-2025 Board where they excel and additional skill areas that would be an asset to the NAMI Board: 

I believe that every person, race, and ethnicity should have a voice and a set at the table when it comes to mental wellness. If I’m selected to the board, I will continue to strive to make sure that this area is advanced throughout the country. This is an area that I feel very confident in working in, due to my firsthand knowledge and experience in this area.

My background in multiple areas of Law Enforcement as well as the National Board that I am on will be helpful in this area if I am selected to serve on this board.

I personally have helped advance the NAMI mission in my community by...
Being a part of the first law enforcement agency and county to participate in the stepping up initiative. I was one of four in our state to author a 3 day CIT COURSE with professional actors to conduct our role play.

I work well in coordination with other leaders to accomplish goals as evidenced by...
My chairing and co-chairing our state walk.

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