Welcome NAMI on Campus High School leaders!

We're so happy to have you join our growing movement. In this section you'll find exclusive resources for leading a NAMI on Campus club.


New to NAMI On Campus?

If you are a new club, we suggest checking out our Getting Started section where you can find all the materials you need to help organize your club and establish what systems work best for your club. This section is also great for new club leaders looking to get more information about how to support their existing club.

Needing tips for Activites and Events?

Activities and events are some of the most important responsibilities of clubs. This is where your club can reach out to the community in a safe environment that is both fun and educational for participants. These events can also bring in new club members!

Clubs can seek inspiration from the Activities and Event Ideas section and by following other clubs on social media and share ideas. 


Promoting your NAMI on Campus Club

We have developed many promotional materials for your club. Think about creating a social media account for your club so that you can alert your peers about club events. Check out the Logo and Promotional Materials section for more information and materials.

Active Clubs

  • Riverview High School
  • Iolani School
  • Sterling High School
New York
North Carolina
  • Polk County High School
  • Benson Polytechnic
  • Lindale High School
  • Forest Park High School
  • Woodbridge Senior High School
  • Capital High School
  • Lake Washington High School
  • West Valley High School

Help Center

Visit our Help Center to learn about and share knowledge on a variety of topics, including NAMI 360, membership management, the NAMI Convention, Helpline FAQ, class reporting and more.