Supporting NOC clubs doesn’t only benefit the students involved in the club and their campus. Once the NOC clubs become established, they may be looking for or will be open to collaborating and getting involved with their affiliates. There may be some challenges with students under 18 depending on the laws and regulations in your state, so it’s best to check that before you offer opportunities to high school clubs.
Here's a list of potential places you can provide a space for them to support your affiliate:
- General Volunteer- attends events for set-up/clean-up and check-ins, tabling in spaces with younger audiences, etc.
- Helpline- provide training to club members who meet your requirements. If you get a lot of younger volunteers, you may be able to provide a youth and young adults specific line.
- Presenter- The college club members would be a great opportunity to expand your young adult speakers for presentations for Ending the Silence and In Our Own Voice. If they meet NAMI’s requirements, you can expand your affiliate’s capacity to provide presentations and promote NOC and other youth related programs and initiatives. Since they are students, this would be an easy option to find a place at your affiliate that doesn’t require a big time commitment.
- Program Leader- This may not be the best option for some students with minimal free time but could be great for a student who is willing and has the capacity.
- Staff- Some students may be looking for job opportunities in their final years of college. If your affiliate has the capacity, you could see where they could fit in as a part-time or a full-time employee.