NAMI FaithNet is an information exchange network of NAMI members, friends, clergy and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to create more welcoming and supportive faith communities for persons and families touched by serious mental illness. NAMI FaithNet also encourages the role of faith in recovery for those for whom faith is a key component of their experience.
NAMI FaithNet is an online, web resource of NAMI dedicated to providing and promoting the creation and exchange of information, tools, outreach materials and other resources which will help NAMI members and friends educate faith communities about mental illness and the vital role spirituality plays in recovery. NAMI FaithNet is not a religious network but a mental health education and awareness outreach to clergy and congregations of all faith traditions as well as to individuals who seek faith as a component of their recovery.
NAMI publishes original content on faith and recovery that strives to inform and inspire the community on the latest research, events and stories related to faith, spirituality, religion and mental health. In addition, NAMI FaithNet provides guidance to NAMI Affiliate leaders who are interested in or already engaged in faith outreach as a way of encouraging caring congregations, meeting the needs of those who need NAMI and promoting their leadership role in healthy communities.
For more information, please contact
Tools and Resources
2021 NAMI FaithNet Grant Application Available
With the generous support of a contributor, NAMI is once again pleased to offer NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates the opportunity to apply for grants to conduct NAMI FaithNet outreach and education activities. For more information please see the 2021 NAMI FaithNet Grant Application below and other resources that will assist you in your planning efforts.